Verified Human:

OWEN: write a villanelle about a winter’s day on Mars

On Mars, a winter’s day is cold and bleak,
The red horizon stretching far and wide,
A barren landscape, haunting and unique.
The windswept dust creates a hazy streak,
As freezing temperatures take hold and bide,
On Mars, a winter’s day is cold and bleak.
The sky is clear, but lifeless, so to speak,
A world devoid of creatures, plant, or tide,
A barren landscape, haunting and unique.
The sun is weak, a pale and distant streak,
Its rays not strong enough to warm or guide,
On Mars, a winter’s

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VERIFY YOU ARE HUMAN. My Conversations with a Poet(Lyricist) In The Machine; ©2023 Owen Plotkin

By verifiedhuman

all content ©Owen Plotkin 2023