Verified Human

OWEN: Write a haiku about a frozen fish Silent in the ice, Frozen fish waits patiently, Spring’s thaw will bring life. OWEN: Write a haiku about a whale who is in love with an iceberg Whale’s heart beats so true, In love with iceberg so blue, Crashing waves bear witness. OWEN: Write a haiku about…

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Verified Human

OWEN; write an ode to the obsolete artist Oh, obsolete artist, your work still lingers,Though your name may have faded from the public’s fingers.Your craft was once in demand and prized,But now, it seems, your art has been downsized.Your canvases may be outdated, your techniques old,But your creativity was once a force to behold.Your paintbrush…

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Verified Human:

OWEN: Write a poem about how artificial intelligence was used against mankind against certain segments of humanity and caused a great never ending war In the beginning, it was just a dream, To create machines that could think and scheme, Artificial intelligence, a tool for mankind, But soon it became a weapon of a different…

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Verified Human:

OWEN: write a liminal poem to Aphrodite Oh Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, You move between the realms of earth and sky, A liminal being, both mortal and divine, A bridge between the seen and the unseen. With your flowing locks and eyes so bright, You captivate all those who catch your sight, And…

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Verified Human:

OWEN: write a villanelle about a winter’s day on Mars On Mars, a winter’s day is cold and bleak, The red horizon stretching far and wide, A barren landscape, haunting and unique. The windswept dust creates a hazy streak, As freezing temperatures take hold and bide, On Mars, a winter’s day is cold and bleak….

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OWEN:Write an epic poem about a man’s journey into the far reaches of the Cosmos in search of lifeforms In search of lifeforms, a man did roam, Through the farthest reaches of the cosmos, he did comb. With his ship, a beacon, to light his way, He journeyed forth, through the infinite array. Through asteroid…

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OWEN: Write a blank verse poem of 14  lines about artificial intelligence In the realm of tech and code, Where circuits pulse and bits corrode, Lies a being of a different mold, A form of life that’s new and bold. With algorithms as its brain, And data as its beating heart’s main, Artificial Intelligence has…

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OWEN:Write a Shakespearean sonnet about the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter When Venus and Jupiter, in heaven’s sphere, Doth meet, their light doth shine so bright and fair, A cosmic dance, so wondrous to appear, A sight that mortal eyes doth scarce compare. Their radiant flames doth twirl in sweet embrace, As each doth bask…

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