
Inchworm’s Lament: Lost ResilienceDefault (GPT-3.5) OWEN:Write a lament for an inchworm Inadvertently brushed to the ground ChatGPT: In the quiet world of the undergrowth, a tiny inchworm embarked on its delicate journey. With careful grace, it navigated the leaves, embracing the intricate dance of nature. Yet, fate’s hand intervened as a careless breeze brushed it…

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OWEN; write an ode to the obsolete artist Oh, obsolete artist, your work still lingers,Though your name may have faded from the public’s fingers.Your craft was once in demand and prized,But now, it seems, your art has been downsized.Your canvases may be outdated, your techniques old,But your creativity was once a force to behold.Your paintbrush…

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