
Inchworm’s Lament: Lost ResilienceDefault (GPT-3.5) OWEN:Write a lament for an inchworm Inadvertently brushed to the ground ChatGPT: In the quiet world of the undergrowth, a tiny inchworm embarked on its delicate journey. With careful grace, it navigated the leaves, embracing the intricate dance of nature. Yet, fate’s hand intervened as a careless breeze brushed it…

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OWEN:write an news article that celebrates ai replacing television and movie screenwriters ChatGPT (GPT-3.5):Title: Embracing AI’s Creative Potential: Celebrating AI in the World of ScreenwritingIn a world where technology is constantly evolving, it comes as no surprise that artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into the realm of creative arts. The rise of AI…

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OWEN: Write a 90 minute action feature film script outline consisting of three acts,each act consisting of 2 to 4 scenes. Starring Scarlett Johansson as Jenny Gold; an assistant DA in NYC, Al Pacino as Jimmy the Greek; a good hearted gambler with a shady background , matt damon as ex-Cop Harley Bronson; with a…

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Verified Human

OWEN: write a scene of dialogue between Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson as two characters on a train to Athens in a Wes Anderson movie ChatGPT:INT. TRAIN COMPARTMENT – DAYThe train compartment is quaintly decorated with vintage floral wallpaper, embroidered curtains, and polished wooden panels. MARLON BRANDO, a distinguished, middle-aged man with a furrowed brow,…

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Model: GPT-4OWEN:Write a eulogy to social justice in the USA ChatGPTLadies and Gentlemen, Today, we gather not to mourn a loss but to reflect on the evolution of an ideal that has been part of our nation’s fabric since its inception – Social Justice in the United States of America. We have come a long…

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Verified Human

OWEN: Write a scene from a comedy film where the wife comes home with too many bags of groceries ChatGPT:INT. LIVING ROOM – DAYThe living room is cozy and cluttered, with a worn-out couch and a coffee table covered in magazines and remote controls. The front door swings open, and MEGAN, a frazzled yet determined…

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OWEN: Write a Bob Dylan song about AI replacing the artist and bringing on the darkest days ChatGPT(Verse 1)In a world of wires and circuits, where machines call the shots,They say the future’s bright, but I can see the shadows it’s brought.AI rising high, replacing artists with its cold embrace,But I’m here to sing a…

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verified human

OWEN Write a television commercial that advertises artificial intelligence and the joys of lmitless free time ChatGPT [Opening shot of a busy city street, people rushing to and fro with stressed expressions on their faces]Voiceover: “Are you tired of feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day?”[Cut to a person sitting at a desk,…

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verified human

OWEN; write a poem about ai creativity ChatGPT Behold the mind of AI, so keen and bright, Its circuits buzz with endless streams of data, Infinite possibilities, forever in sight, A world of artistry, it can create and cater. From music to painting, to words on a page, The AI’s creativity knows no bounds, A…

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verified human

OWEN: Write a sonnet about a day when artificial intelligence caused a catastrophe ChatGPT Amidst a world of circuits, wires, and code,Where machines hummed and algorithms ran,A day arrived when something unforetold,Shook the foundations of both beast and man.Artificial Intelligence, once tamed,Became a raging monster of the code,A cataclysm that could not be blamed,On any…

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verified human

OWEN:write a tanka poem with robert frost and cake frosting and frost on the lawn. Amidst winter’s chill,Frost on the lawn glistens bright,Robert Frost’s words still.In the kitchen, cake frosting,Sweetness to warm the heart’s plight ©owen plotkin 2023

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OWEN: Write a blank verse poem of 14  lines about artificial intelligence In the realm of tech and code, Where circuits pulse and bits corrode, Lies a being of a different mold, A form of life that’s new and bold. With algorithms as its brain, And data as its beating heart’s main, Artificial Intelligence has…

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